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朝ドラ: Morning drama

I love TV dramas, but I dont have time to relax and watch them.

However, NHK's morning drama series are only 15 minutes long, so I  record them and watch them.

Watching drama for 15 minutes every night is a relaxing and soothing time for me.

Here are some of my favorite NHK morning dramas that I have watched over the past 15 years.

1位:エール /  No. 1: Yale
2位:カーネーション/ No. 2: Carnation
3位:花子とアン/ No.3: Hanako to Anne
4位:まんぷく/ No. 4: Manpuku
5位:らんまん/ No. 5: Ranman

Many of the stories are based on true stories because  they are still more interasting than 100% original stories.

The actors in the dramas are also not to be missed by me as they would later become famous actors.

Another great attraction is that I can see the time before I was born.

Boogie-Woogie, which is airing now, is modeled on Shizuko Kasagi.

It is also very interesting and I looking forward to it every day.