Let's study English

This is a blog for learning English

雪かき: Snow shoveling

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毎朝1時間ほど勉強をしていますが、 先週は2日ほどできませんでした。
I study every morning for an hour or so, but I wasn't able to for two days last week.

The reason was that it snowed and I had to shovel snow  in the morning.

Thankfully, in my area, the snowplows are up and running in at  midnight and the cars are able to get through  in the morning.

However,  the snowplows only put the snow aside, so the snow piles up in ront of the house.

Then cars can't get out of their carports and people can't get out of their houses.

For the first time in several years, it piled up so much that I spent 30 to 40 minutes shoveling snow with my new mama dump truck.

It was a great workout.  I was soaked in sweat even though it was before I went to work.

I shovel snow only twice a year, so I guess I'm done for the season.